Thursday, 17 December 2015

First Draft Video

  This is just my first draft and it contains all of the footage that has been unedited and unmanipulated in a sequence. Many things are still needed for the end product such as sound and titles.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

First Title Logo

We created the first title logo for our title sequence, we used photoshop and google.

Detailed shot plans

Nathan and I planned our shots we will be using these are:

 Zoom in - on the radio to add suspense to the scene, possible name of a title.

Over the shoulder shot -  these will consist throughout so the main characters face is hidden, this adds a mysterious effect for the clip.

High angle shot - to see the main character sorting through his toolbox for the weapon he wants to use for torture on the kidnapped individual.

Close up - this will be used to show the many tools within their tool box.

Long shot -  shows the main character walking down the stairs heading into the kitchen to have breakfast.

Mid shot - this will capture the main character eating breakfast and also brushing his eating, but however it will leave out his eyes and get his mouth.

Two shot -  this will feature the main character as well as the kidnapped individual in the same scene, adding a nervous effect for the audience.

Risk Assessment

Nathan and I decided to plan everything that could be a possible risk whilst filming just in case something dangerous could happen. We made a table of the things, this included the actual risk as well as the likelihood, severity and prevention.This allowed us to be safer during filming.

Title Planning

Nathan and I, planned our title sequence, these are to have Insanity entertainments 'presents' then a 'production studio' being Magnet and Steel productions. Then afterwards to have 'directed by' being San Miguel. After this to have 'Filmed by' with the names San Miguel and Rodge Lawrence. Then afterwards to have 'casting by' Kelvin Smith. Following on from this to have a 'production designer' by Carrie Williams. Then a 'producer' being Tiffany Steel and to have a 'co producer' next called Tony Magnet. Then a 'written by' Clint Woods. Then after to have the 'movie title' called Psycho Sunday. Then finally the two 'actors' called Nathan Hill and Sam Nyilasi.

Having all of these titles would make our short film more sophisticated and less like a small production with barely any experience, as well as this it also seems a lot more professional using production companies with actual logo’s, despite the logos and companies being created by ourselves.

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Primary Research Questionaire

hfFor my primary research I asked 7 questions to my audience. The 20 people I had to ask these questions to were my peers in my class. The first question I asked was what gender are you? this ended up being 40% - 60%. 40% being male and the other percent being girls. The second question I asked was do you like thrillers to get a view upon what people generally watch and like. More people seemed to like thrillers then the ones that didnt. The third question was how often do you watch them per week, no one watched thrillers 6 or more times a week, the most majority of people tendered to watch thrillers once a week. The forth question was how old are you and everyone I asked was between 16-18 years of age making it 100%. Another question I asked was what do you commonly associate with thrillers. The majority of people said tense music and suspense is what they associate with thrillers. then I proceeded to ask would you prefer a male protagonist and almost everyone said that they would. Then the last question that I asked was what do you think is the best title name for a thriller? out of the four options the most people went for the ransom and psycho sunday these were the most popular.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Filming Schedule

Today I and my group had to decide upon a filming schedule, this in many ways was a difficult task as me and the other member often didn't have spare time in the same time of day or even on the same day. So after finally agreeing upon the days and dates when then decided what we would do on each of those days and dates. We made Thursday our filming day then Friday and the following Wednesday our editing days as for both of us editing was the hardest part. But however this now meant we would get use to it quickly which is a positive.