If I were to choose an existing company to distribute my film I would be likely to approach a company that either has already distributed a similar film or has an interest in the thriller film I have made. Ours present’s exploration into the psychotic suspense scene. This theme sticks to generic stereotypes however when it comes to the victim that’s where’s we have swapped it up substantially as the victim is a man rather than a helpless women like usual. This therefore challenges the stereotypical gender roles played. I think that vertigo films distributions would be very good place for my thriller to be distributed as they try and discover a lot of talent, whether that is film makers or low budget teams consistently of several people such as directors and other exceptional people.
Vertigo films have distributed a film called Point blank and several parts of this film can be referred back to mine as it involves suspense and tense action when the main protagonists’ wife is abducted much like in our when we have a victim who has been kidnapped. Point blank being a French was a possible reason for not doing as well as others as it may put viewers off. Never the less with a budget of $16 million unfortunately this film still only managed to get $706,937 gross income from the box office and in the opening weekend through six screens it gained $41,031. This is supposedly quite an unsuccessful box office but however it has a multitude more of possible ways to earn money via other devices and systems such as iTunes.
But like that film we have also taken lots of different unique aspects from several films which can be compared to several films that vertigo films have distributed such as point blank gaining the kidnapped and person taken aspect as well as absorbing a chilling atmosphere through the use of intense terrifying scenes much similar to that of A night in the woods a film produced by vertigo films.
These could be seen as similar to ours as both feature a male antagonist, not only this but they both follow similar style themes in many respects. These two films contains the thriller conventions as well as that they contain a violent tone and a glimmer of horror. The quality of a night in the woods is also very similar to our thriller being that it is low budget and similar cameras are used along with natural lighting. Another reason to approach Vertigo films in particular is that they support low budget films and companies, such as ours.

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