Monday, 26 October 2015

Night of the hunter (1955)

The opening title sequence clip I choose is of Charles Laughton's film The night of the hunter from 1955.

Firstly the music you are met with keeps you within the time set of 1955 as it isn't anything like modern music. The music that runs within the title sequence starts off being very dark and sinister suggesting this isnt an ordinary film gives the impression something bad to happen. Then following on from this the dark tone suddenly goes into a high pitch the gradually gets faster and faster this shows the film could be filled with suspense. After that has been repeated twice the music then turns into a woman's voice, she appears to be seeing a very normal and calm song with the lyrics 'dream little one dream' and 'dream my little one dream' this suggests a creepy effect as it is unusually different and almost opposite from the previous music but it is also leaves the audience wondering who she was singing about.

The text on the scene is very bold and large but simplistic and easy to read as it is also set on the reverse block as the writing is white on a black background. Each individual letter is in capitals the letters don't reveal anything about the narrative that don't suggest the genre. Firstly before the main title on the film there are two actors names from this shows the importance as the names will on its own grab the audience and make people watch the film if both of them are in at. This is a good strategy used by the director of the film will gain more viewers.

Finally from each title slide there is a simple fade transition to the next this allows the audience to clearly see and understand when a new title slide is on also adds to the simplistic theme. As well as this each slide is positioned in the centre of the scene making it not jumbled and easy to read.

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