Thursday, 5 November 2015

It follows

It Follows Opening Sequence

Firstly there is a pan shot where you are greeted with an empty road and pans past what looks like an empty houses to the point where we see a girl frighteningly running from her house quickly.  This is a stereotypical thriller convention as it builds tension as to what she is running from.  This then has the audience with an almost short cliffhanger.

Another camera shot used is a long shot and this is to show the girl who appears to be  entrance and fixated upon something that she is looking at opposite her in the distance. The shop also shows off her facial expression which depicts the worriedmess in her eyes.  This shop is added for attention as it makes the audience question what she's looking at.

 At the start of the clip there is a digestives sound of birds tweeting are making noise this has been put onto applied to the audience that everything is calm and pleasant very normal approach however that gathers and on easy effect which makes you wonder if everything is far too quiet.

 There is a non-digenetic sound of one slow bang on the drum at a time whilst the girl is on the street this out and the fact of whether she is being watched or chased.  Then that slope be gradually turns into a faster one where the tone of oncoming danger when she runs this then builds the tension further.

 Nearing the end of the play we see the girl on the phone speaking to her dad which is dialogue and found this dialogue we can see she is very scared and frightened.  The tone of the phone call seems almost suicidal like she knows death as near as she is very apologetic and almost in tears as well as this she's breathing very heavily.  But however it builds further attention as previously we know she is completely alone engaging the audience with mystery and confusion.

 Near the start of the clip there is a long text and that follows the girl fleeing from her house onto the street in a panic this shows how she seems anxious and worried about something this yet again adds to the attention of the audience are left in the dark about what she is scared of.

 Almost at the end of the clip there is a quick cut  to the morning after the girl had made the nervous call at night  it then reveals that the girl is dead on the beach alone.  With her leg at a weird angle load all over her.  The sea and at night builds the tension then the conclusion is revealed in the morning still leaving the audience unaware of who did this to her.

 The location of the start of the clips is modern-day America in an ordinary neighbourhood where everything appears normal and pleasant.  But the streets seem empty and on lively which shows something may not be right.  Throughout the street there is lots of brown red lips on the floor from all the trees as it appears to be autumn.  All the houses are of a normal size and shape and blend in with the urban atmosphere.

 When the girl at the beach there is  he lighting from what seems to be a cars headlights.  The beam its self is so bright and distinctly captures the girl space but however the leaves the background black in mystery making the audience question is someone or something there?

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